
Thursday, July 23, 2015

292A (2006 RB)

The Orcalab recording 292A from August 23, 2006 starts at 14:56 and ends at 15:41. The A5 pod were heard at the Main beach rubbing and vocalizing from the start of the tape until 15:18. They made some interesting variable and R like calls. A total of 20 discrete calls were identified and analyzed; N4 (75%), N7 (10%), and N9 (15%).

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

280B (2006 RB)

The Orcalab recording 280A starts at 11:11 on August 21, 2006.  The A5 and A4 pods of the northern residents were heard rubbing on the pebbles at Main beach at 11:40, until the end of the tape 11:56.  A total of 44 discrete calls were identified and analyzed; N3 (6%), N4 (54%), N5 (10%), and N9 (30%).