
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

292B (CP 2006)

The Orcalab recording 292B from Cracroft Point, BC starts at 15:42 on August 23, 2006.  The Northern residents were heard echolocating and vocalizing.  Boat noise increases at 16:00, the tape ends at 16:30.  Seventy-one discrete calls were identified; N1 (10%), N4 (75%), and N9 (15%).

Thursday, July 23, 2015

292A (2006 RB)

The Orcalab recording 292A from August 23, 2006 starts at 14:56 and ends at 15:41. The A5 pod were heard at the Main beach rubbing and vocalizing from the start of the tape until 15:18. They made some interesting variable and R like calls. A total of 20 discrete calls were identified and analyzed; N4 (75%), N7 (10%), and N9 (15%).

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

280B (2006 RB)

The Orcalab recording 280A starts at 11:11 on August 21, 2006.  The A5 and A4 pods of the northern residents were heard rubbing on the pebbles at Main beach at 11:40, until the end of the tape 11:56.  A total of 44 discrete calls were identified and analyzed; N3 (6%), N4 (54%), N5 (10%), and N9 (30%).

Sunday, May 31, 2015

280A (2006 CP)

Recording 280A starts at 10:23 on Monday August 21, 2006 ending at 11:11.  There was loud boat noise throughout the tape increasing toward the end.  A total of 15 northern resident discrete calls from Cracroft Point, BC, were identified and anaylzed; N1 (27%), N4 (60%), and N9 (13%).

275A (2006 CP)

Recording 275A starts at 20:11 on Sunday August 20, 2006, Cracroft Point, BC.  Loud boat noise and distant calls were heard.  The tape stopped at 20:26 restarting at 21:54.  Boat noise decreased and the whales were again heard vocalizing.  The recording ended at 22:47 with a total of seven discrete calls analyzed; N4 (71%), and N9 (29%).

270A (2006 RB)

Main Beach - most popular rubbing beach for the Northern Residents at the Robson Bight / Michael Bigg Ecological Reserve, Vancouver Island, British Columbia (photo - Rachael Griffin 2004)

The Orcalab recording 270A starts at 17:20 on Friday August 18, 2006 ending at 18:09.  The A4 northern resident killer whale matriline (Orcinus orca) was heard rubbing on the pebbles at Main Beach and vocalizing.  Strong rubs were heard at 17:21 and 17:24.  A total of 12 discrete calls were identified and analyzed; N3 (17%) and N4 (83%).

Friday, May 29, 2015

265A (2006 CP)

The Orcalab recording 265A from August 18, 2006 starts at 04:18 and ends at 05:04.  The northern resident killer whales were recorded echolocating and vocalizing at Cracroft Point, West Cracroft Island, British Columbia.  A total of 58 discrete calls were analyzed and identified; N1 (9%), N4 (67%), N7 (6%), N8 (9%), and N9 (9%).

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

260A (2006 FI)

The recording 260A by Orcalab starts at 22:48 and ends at 23:36 on August 16, 2006.  The northern residents were heard calling at Flower Island, British Columbia.  A total of 33 discret calls were identified: N1 (15%), N4 (73%), N9 (12%).

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

255A (2006 CP)

The Orcalab recording 255A starts on August 15, 2006 at 08:09am.  The northern resident killer whales are heard calling and echolocating near Cracroft Point, British Columbia.  There was increased boat noise towards the end of tape finishing at 08:58am.  A total of 103 discrete calls were identified: N1 (10%), N2 (7%), N3 (4%), N4 (54%), and N9 (25%).

Monday, April 13, 2015

250A (2006 - CP)

The Orcalab recording 250A starts at 11:55am and ends at 12:43pm on August 15, 2006. The northern resident killer whales were heard vocalizing and echolocating at Cracroft Point, British Columbia.  A total of 182 discrete calls were identified; N1 (18%), N2 (27%), N4 (27%), N5 (3%), N9 (25%).

Sunday, April 5, 2015

245A (2006)

The tape starts at 23:23 on August 14, 2006.  Loud tug noise is heard at Cracroft Point and water noise at the rubbing beach, no calls. Recording ends at 23:47 (n = 0).

240A (2006 - CP)

The recording 240A by Orcalab starts at 15:09 on August 14, 2006. Faint N4 (n=4) and N5 calls (n=1) were heard at Cracroft Point, BC.   Boat noise increases throughout the tape and ends at 15:54.

Friday, February 6, 2015

232B (2006 - CP)

A total of 185 discrete killer whale calls were identified on the 232B recording from August 13, 2006.  The recording begins at 20:15 and ends at 21:00.  The Northern Resident vocalizations were recorded off Cracroft Point, BC, by Orcalab during foraging activities.  Clicks were heard frequently typically given in a series, which are used as echolocation signals.  Whales identified by field observers included the A30, A12, A11, A24, A25, A08, B07, and I15 matrilines.  The N4, N9, and N5 call types were used most frequently respectively; N1 (3.78%), N2 (5.41%), N3 (2.16%), N4 (53.0%), N5 (12.4%), N9 (19.5%), N13 (2.16%),  and N17 (1.76%).

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

449A - (2005 - CP)

A total of 211 discrete Northern Resident killer whale calls were identified on the 449A recording by Orcalab from September 1, 2005.  The tape begins at 06:05 and ends at 06:50, the whales were heard calling and echolocating at Cracroft Point, BC.  Calls included N1 (1.5%), N4). (63%), N5 (3%), N7 (0.5%), N9 (5%), N11 (0.5%), N16 (0.5%), N23 (14%), N25 (10%), N47 (1%), and A12sp (1%).