
Sunday, April 21, 2013

233A (2004) - CP Calls

Tape 233A begins at 16:44 on August 4, 2004. Whales are heard in the distance at Cracroft Point. The A36s and A12s are identified, tapes ends at 17:30. Calls identified; N2 (9%), N4 (50%), N9 (25%), N12 (8%), A12sp (8%), n = 12.
Link - IMG_7217'

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

232B (2004) - CP Calls

I pod
Tape 232B starts at 15:57 on August 4th 2004. The northern residents are heard in the distance through the boat noise calling, echolocating, and whistling off Cracroft Point, West Cracroft Island BC. A total of 16 calls were identified; N1 (28%), N4 (30%), N5 (30%), and N10 (12%).
Link -

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

232A (2004) - CP Calls

The Orcalab recording 232A starts at 15:10 on Wednesday August 4th, 2004. The I15 and and A1 groups are heard calling and echolocating at Cracroft Point with heavy boat noise persistent thought out the tape. A total of 14 calls were identified; N4 (22%), N9 (7%), N23 (14%), trills (35%), and squawks (22%).
Link -
Note - there is an error in the Orcalab lab recording notes with comments for recording 232B twice, the first one starting at 15:10 is actually notes for tape 232A and remarks starting at 15:57 are for 232B.